Which food and beverage predictions came true in 2024 – and which didn’t?Opens in new window 23 . Dezember 2024 food-monitor Kurznachrichten Veröffentlichung honorarfrei bei Link zu: food-monitor.de How accurate were predictions on food and beverage this year? https://www.foodnavigator.com/Article/2024/12/20/were-2024-food-and-beverage-predictions-accurate/ Mehr zum Thema Can a keto diet prevent and treat cancer? Table of contents The study behind the headlines What to keep in mind when... WHO: Physical activity Key facts Regular physical activity provides significant physical and mental health benefits. In adults,... In the news: Is a vegetarian diet linked to hip fractures? The study behind the headlines What to keep in mind when reading the study’s... In the news: can a low-carbohydrate diet reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes? Table of contents The study behind the headlines What to keep in mind when...